Take eLearning to the Next Level

Looking for a great mobile authoring tool? Looking for a fun, innovative way to make eLearning material accessible for mobile devices? Try Hot Lava Software’s Learning Mobile Author (LMA) and Mobile Delivery and Tracking System (MDTS). With this authoring toolkit you can create content once and publish to PalmOS, WM PocketPC, WAP, HTML and Java. Create tests and polls/surveys and track the results in real time.
This software is specifically designed for mobile devices of all makes and models, including Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericssion, HP, HTC, iPhone, Palm, Blackberry and all other major brands of mobile phones, smart phones and PDAs.
The growth of mobile communications networks and the rate of distribution of web enabled mobile phones around the world is virtually unparalleled. Now mobile learning can be distributed to the average mobile phone user, without the need for a fancy gadget, without the need for advanced technical skills and NO plug-in is required!
For a Free Trial TODAY please visit our website at:
Labels: education, elearning, handheld, handheld learning, hot lava software, learning mobile author, mlearning, mobile learning, mobile learning news, mobile news, software, tech, training, university
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